One of the Monument Chapter, NSDAR, functions is to erect patriotic monuments. In 1914, the chapter's first project began, the Gateway Park Flagpole. The flagpole was dedicated and presented to the Minneapolis Park Board on July 4, 1917. It is an endowed flagstaff as a monument to President George Washington. The 110-foot flagpole is all that survived into the 21st century from Gateway Park at Hennepin and First Street South in Minneapolis (Location: 44 degrees 59'00.93"N 93 degrees 15'59.23"W). A medallion with a profile of George Washington is included on the base. The chapter has donated many of the 12 x 18-foot flags for this flagpole. The inscription on the base reads: "Presented to the city of Minneapolis as a tribute to George Washington by the Monument Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution – July the 4th AD 1917. He built his monument in our hearts. He united us under one flag. Vindicate our rights with firmness and cultivate peace with serenity." Timeline: July 4, 1917 The flagpole was dedicated and presented to the Minneapolis Park Board. Endowment income provides the funds for the purchase of some of the 12 x 18-foot flags. July 1961 The first of the four 75 pound bronze eagles that originally adorned the base was stolen. It is unknown what happened to the other three bronze eagles. 2000 During Monument Chapter, NSDAR, centennial celebration, the base of the historic Gateway Park flagstaff was restored. The stonework was tuck-pointed and the inscription was redone. April 10, 2008 As part of the 125th anniversary of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Department, Monument Chapter, NSDAR, donated a new flag with Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post #1 serving as an honor guard. A flag donation event was held at the Gateway Park Flagpole. Aug. 10, 2017 On August 10, 2017 Monument Chapter, NSDAR, celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Gateway Park Flagpole, which the chapter donated to the Minneapolis Park Board in July 1917. To mark the occasion, Monument Chapter, NSDAR, donated a new 12 x 18-foot flag for the Gateway Park Flagpole. Thereafter, 22 chapter members had a luncheon meeting at the Nicollet Island Inn at which time the Minnesota state regent gave a program on preserving the historic DAR monuments in Minnesota. |
This 1929 marker is located in the Fort Snelling Chapel in St. Paul, Minnesota (Location: 44 degrees 53'09"N 93 degrees 10'41"W).
The pew is fifth from the back on the left side as you face the altar. The pew marker reads: "Commemorating the service in the World War of our soldier sons, Monument Chapter D.A.R. 1929" |
Sibley House Flagpole was presented June 14, 1939 (Location: 44 degrees 53'16.62"N 93 degrees 09'57.64"W).
The flagpole originally stood on a knoll in a rock garden just west of the historic Dupuis House in Mendota Heights. The rock garden was dedicated to pioneer women by the Minnesota State Society DAR. Monument Chapter, NSDAR, was responsible for painting the metal flagpole. The plaque reads: Presented by the Family of Judge John F. McGee through Monument Chapter D.A.R. Dedicated June 14, 1939 Because the knoll was identified as a possible Indian mound, the flagpole was removed and its plaque temporarily moved to the flagpole next to the nearby historic Sibley House. In 2009, Monument Chapter, NSDAR, donated a new 30-foot flagpole to replace the 1939 flagpole which blew down in 2000. The flagpole is at the Dupuis House, 1357 Sibley Memorial Highway (Location: 44 degrees 53'16.62"N 93 degrees 09' 57.64"W). The above 1939 plaque was set into the concrete base for the new flagpole along with the new plaque reading: "Donated by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Monument Chapter, and Dedicated on June 11, 2009" |
The Southdale Library flagpole at 7001 York Ave S, Edina (Location: 44 degrees 52'29.91"N 93 degrees 19'11.74"W) was presented in 1973.
The plaque on the flagpole reads: "Presented by Monument Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Nov 18, 1973" A memorial plaque was added on the base of the flagpole in 2000. It reads: "In recognition of Southdale Library’s service to the families of Hennepin County, this flagpole was erected in 1973 by the Monument Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This memorial plaque was placed here in honor of the Monument Chapter’s Centennial. 1900 – 2000" |
This 1987 granite boulder is located in Tupa Park, 4918 Eden Ave., Edina, Minnesota (Location: 44 degrees 54'37.75"N 93 degrees 20'56.25"W).
Inscription: "We The People – Commemorate the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution 1787-1987. Presented by Monument Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution" |
The Normandale Elementary French Immersion School flagpole was dedicated in May 2003.
The flagpole is located at 5701 Normandale Road, Edina, Minnesota (-44 degrees 53'52.22"N 93 degrees 21'05.14"W). Inscription: "Education, Patriotism, Historical Preservation. This flagpole was dedicated to the Normandale French Immersion School by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Monument Chapter, May 2003" |
On Flag Day (June 14) 2004, Monument Chapter, NSDAR, with support from the Friends of the Edina Public Library and the City of Edina, dedicated the flagpole at the new Edina Library at 5280 Grandview Square, Edina (Location: 44 degrees 54'29.04"N 93 degrees 21'21.78"W). The flag is 60 x 96 inches.
The plaque reads: "Donated by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Monument Chapter May 2004" |
Monument Chapter, NSDAR
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Last updated Jan 2025